Useful addresses

Embassy of the Republic of South Africa

Tiergartenstr. 18, 10785 Berlin, Germany

Tel.: 030-22073-0; Fax: 030-22073-190; e-mail: or for the consulate; Internet:

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany 

201 Florence Ribeiro Avenue, Groenkloof, Pretoria 0181, South Africa

Tel.: (0027 12) 4278900; Fax: (0027 12) 427 8969

Postal Address: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 2023, Pretoria 0001, South Africa

German Consulate General in Cape Town

Roeland Park / e-tv Building, 4 Stirling Street (Entrance: top end of Stirling Street), Zonnebloem 7925 (District Six)

Postal Address: P.O.Box 4273, Cape Town, 8000

Tel.: +27 – (0)21-405 3000 Fax: +27 – (0)21-421 0400