- organises talks, lectures and discussion rounds on topics of bilateral interest that are held on a regional, national and international level
- facilitates contact with lawyers specialising in German-South African law
- provides networking opportunities for South African and German lawyers
- offers contact addresses for South African and German law firms to interested members who want to work as interns and articled clerks
- provides interested members with information on opportunities to reside and work in Germany or South Africa
- provides comprehensive information on enrolment criteria and courses of study for relevant universities
- sets up comprehensive list of the relevant literature on the economy and legal system in South Africa and the Federal Republic of Germany
- publishes a periodic Newsletter that acts as an information bulletin for the GSLA. The Newsletter provides readers with interesting and current contributions on German and South African legal questions, extracts from academic work as well as short introductions in select branches of German law. The legal background of current developments in both countries is also expounded and the reader is informed by means of the press review about interesting articles from the daily press
Since many of the members work as lawyers or as legal advisors in business enterprises, the field of interest of the GSLA – in addition to legal questions – also covers economic and business problems.
The Newsletter is useful for this as a source of information of immediate interest and forum for contributions on this subject. Furthermore, the list of correspondent lawyers renders cooperation possible.
In addition, the contact between the members enables quick and harmonised cooperation across national borders.
A further goal is to assist those looking for a new profession or wishing to become familiar with the legal institutions.
Trainee lawyers, in looking for a suitable inservice training post, may obtain information from the GSLA for making an application in the respective other country. Also anyone who would like to continue his/her education by engaging in studies or postgraduate studies may inform him-/herself at our studies’ section of the website.
Finally, one of the aims of the association is to take into consideration, over and above South African law, the analysis and development of African law in the southern part of the African continent.
In Summary:
The GSLA offers its members assistance and support in matters relating to German/ South African law by providing access to a wide network of relevant contact persons in the field of law as well as in economic, political, administrative and academic branches.