Mireku, Obeng: Constitutional Review in Federalised Systems of Government – A Comparison of Germany and South Africa

Nomos Schriftenreihe: Recht und Verfassung in Südafrika, Vol 10; 2000; ISBN 978-3-7890-6678-8
abstract: “This study examines and compares the issues of human rights protection and constitutional federalism as central principles in the constitutional jurisprudence of Germany and South Africa. For this reason, a comparative approach is adopted to ascertain and discuss the constitutional doctrins which underpin the major federal provisions in the German and South African constitutions. On this background the study engages an analysis of the processes and trends in constitutional review of conflicts between central and regional governments in each jurisdiction. Subsequently, the emphasis shifts to an exposition of the interpretation of selected constitutional rights by the German and South African supreme constitutional courts. Finally, the dissertation concludes with an impact analysis of federalism on rights pro-ection and recommendations for constitutional reform relating to human rights and federalism in Germany and South Africa.”

Published on: 11 June 2016